Calling the common person a “Shaykh” by Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen (رحمه الله)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .. هل يصح أن تطلق كلمة الشيخ لكل أحد من الناس, ولا سيما أن هذه الكلمة أصبحت متفشية, فأرجو توضيح ذلك؟

كلمة شيخ في اللغة العربية لا تكون إلا للكبير, إما كبير السن، أو كبير القدر بعلمه أو ماله أو ما أشبه ذلك, ولا تطلق على الصغير, لكن كما قلت: تفشت الآن حتى كاد يلقب بالشيخ من كان جاهلاً أو لم يعرف شيئاً, وهذا فيما أرى لا ينبغي, لأنك إذا أطلقت على هذا الشخص كلمة شيخ وهو جاهل لا يعرف اغتر الناس به, وظنوا أن عنده علماً، فرجعوا إليه في الاستفتاء وغير ذلك، وحصل بهذا ضرر عظيم, وكثير من الناس -نسأل الله لنا ولهم الهداية- لا يبالي إذا سئل أن يفتي ولو بغير علم, لأنه يرى إذا قال: لا أدري؛ كان ذلك نقصاً في حقه, والواقع أن الإنسان إذا قال فيما لا يعلم: لا أدري, كان ذلك كمالاً في حقه, ولكن النفوس مجبولة على محبة الظهور إلا من عصم الله عز وجل. فالذي أرى: أنها لا تطلق كلمة شيخ إلا على من يستحقها, إما لكبره، أو لشرفه وسيادته في قومه, أو لعلمه, وهذا كما كان بعض الناس الآن يطلق كلمة إمام على عامة العلماء, حتى وإن كان هذا العالم من المقلدة يقول: هو إمام, وهذا أيضاً لا ينبغي, ينبغي ألا تطلق لفظ إمام إلا على من استحق أن يكون إماماً، وكان له أتباع, وكان معتبراً قوله بين المسلمين. وبقي علينا أنك سلمت وكذلك الأخ من قبلك سلّم عند إلقاء السؤال، وهذا ليس من السنة, لأن الصحابة رضي الله عنهم كانوا إذا أرادوا أن يلقوا السؤال على الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم لم يكونوا يلقوا عليه السلام, إلا من قدم إلى المجلس فهذا يسلم

117ب الباب المفتوح

Questioner: As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatu ALLAH wa barakatahu…; is it correct to apply the term “Sheik” to everyone from amongst the people. Especially since this term has become widely used, so we hope for some clarity in this.

Sheik Uthamin: The term “Sheik” in the Arabic language is not used except upon the kabeer (elder), either due to their being elder in age, or senior due to the level of knowledge they possess, or due to his wealth, and what is similar to this; and it is not applied to the sagheer (little one, i.e.: little in age, knowledge, etc.) But as you have stated, it has become widespread now such that the ignorant person or the one who doesn’t know anything is about to be called “Sheik”; and this in my view is not befitting.

Because if you applied to this person the term “Sheik” and his is ignorant and doesn’t know, the people will be deceived by him. And they will think he has some knowledge with him, and they will consult him for fatwas (Islamic rulings) and other than that, and a great harm will result because of this.

And many of the people-we ask ALLAH to guide us and to guide them-they don’t mind to give a fatwa if they are asked, even if they answer without knowledge. Because he thinks that if he says, “I don’t know” this will decrease his status. But in reality if the person says about that which he does not know, “I don’t know”, then that is the completeness of his status. But the souls are accustomed to want to impress others, except those whom ALLAH the Mighty and Majestic protects from this. So what I see is that the term “Sheik” is not applied except to those that deserve it, either by his age, or by his nobility, or due to sovereignty over his people, or because of his knowledge.

And in a like fashion some of the people apply the term “Imam” to the common Scholars, even if this Scholar is from the blind followers: they say he is an “Imam”. And this also is not befitting; it’s befitting that the term “Imam” should not be applied except on the one, who deserves to be an “Imam”, and he has followers, and his statements are held in high regard amongst the Muslims.

And finally, you gave the salaams as did the brother before you when you wanted to ask a question, and this is not from the Sunna. Because the companions, may ALLAH be pleased with them, when they wanted to present a question to the Messenger of ALLAH peace and blessings are upon him, they would not give him the salaams except for the one who was arriving at the sitting; this is the one who would give the salaams.

(Credits to the brother who translated this- BarakAllaahu feeh)

~ by abulhaarith on December 4, 2008.

2 Responses to “Calling the common person a “Shaykh” by Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen (رحمه الله)”

  1. Wa’alaikum Assalaam wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuhu,

    The person with basic knowledge may have better judgement or be given wisdom, if not knowledge. But he should not be given the status of one who has knowledge by calling him a Shaykh/imam, it’s better to combine the two.

  2. ‘Abdullaah bin Mas’ood radhiallaahu anhu said as was recorded in Kitaab al ‘Ilm of Abu Khuthayma an-Nasaa’ee: “When Allaah wishes good for a person, He gives him understanding of this religion”

    Real wisdom and judgment concerning this religion comes from Knowledge of it. A person who is ignorant cannot apply real wisdom because he’s just that… ignorant.

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